I recently had the privilege of joining the Wealth Consulting Group for an interview. Great Bunch to work with! I thought you may find the podcast of interest and thought I would send it along. Hope you take a peek! Happy New Year!
Please note that stocks are inherently risky. Any stock can lose most of its value at any moment, including any stock I mention here. You should never rely on a single source for investment decisions, including me. I am a retired investment strategist offering opinions and observations on the markets, the economy and companies. You should do your own research and also consult a qualified financial planner and investment advisor before making investment decisions.
This communication has been prepared for your informational purposes only. This material is for illustration and discussion purposes only and are not intended to be, nor should they be construed as financial, legal, tax or investment advice. This material presents information through the date indicated, is only a guide to the author’s current expectations and is subject to revision by the author, though the author is under no obligation to do so. The views expressed herein are solely those of the author. This material should not be construed as a recommendation, or advice or an offer or solicitation with respect to the purchase or sale of any investment. The information in this report is not intended to provide a basis on which you could make an investment decision on any particular security or its issuer.
Certain information has been provided by and/or is based on third party sources and, although such information is believed to be reliable, no representation is made is made with respect to the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of such information. This information may be subject to change without notice. I make no obligation to maintain or update this material based on subsequent information and events or to provide you with any additional or supplemental information or any update to or correction of the information contained herein. Any opinions and assumptions expressed herein are made as of the date of this communication and are subject to change and/or withdrawal without notice. No liability is accepted by the author for any losses that may arise from any use of the information contained herein.
Any financial instruments mentioned herein are speculative in nature and may involve risk to principal and interest. Any prices or levels shown are either historical or purely indicative. This material does not take into account the particular investment objectives or financial circumstances, objectives or needs of any specific investor, and are not intended as recommendations of particular securities, investment products, or other financial products or strategies to particular clients. Securities, investment products, other financial products or strategies discussed herein may not be suitable for all investors. The recipient of this report must make its own independent decisions regarding any securities, investment products or other financial products mentioned herein.
I am glad your market hobby is now cash flow positive and you can afford a Bloomberg! Hopefully this will allow you to continue your hobby and provide valuable market information to your subscribers for many years to come!